
15 tips for a stress-free move in Dubai

  • Better Informed
  • 21 Mar, 2023
15 tips for a stress-free move in Dubai

Moving house can be a stressful experience, but with the right preparation and approach, it doesn't have to be. 

If you're about to move to a new home in Dubai, here are our 10 tips to help make the process as stress-free as possible.  


1. Check permits

The first thing you need to do before moving is find out if you need moving permits. In Dubai, most communities and building owners require you to fill out a move-in or move-out form prior to moving items in or out of a property. It can take up to five working days to get a permit, so make sure to check the process. 


2. Choose wisely

There are lots of moving companies in Dubai, but the quality of service they offer may vary. So, it's important to do your research. Find recommendations online, get the lowdown from people who’ve been through it and read reviews before getting in touch with them for a quote. 


3. Credentials check

Verify that the moving company that you are considering has a valid trade license and insurance. You should also check that the staff aren’t outsourced to another company, because the building or community security often check the Emirates IDs of the movers before letting them in.


4. Cost it out

Most moving companies in Dubai offer online quotes, so it's easy to compare prices. However, if you're moving anything larger than a one-bedroom apartment, it's a good idea to have the company survey your belongings in person to give you an accurate estimate. 


5. Plan ahead

Moving can be a hectic process, so it's important to plan ahead. Create a timeline and checklist of tasks that need to be completed before the move, such as cancelling subscriptions, transferring utilities, and updating your address with banks and other important contacts.


6. Declutter before moving

Moving is the perfect opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need. Before you start packing, go through your belongings and donate, throw away or sell items you no longer use or want. This will make the packing process more efficient and save you time and money on moving expenses.


7. Hands-on or off

Decide how involved you want to be in the move. Some people prefer to pack only their valuables and leave the rest to the moving team, while others prefer to oversee the entire process.

8. Label boxes clearly

During the packing process, make sure that all the boxes are labelled clearly with the contents and the room they belong to. This will help you to prioritise what to unpack first, make unpacking easier and ensure that everything ends up in the right place.

9. Pack an essentials box

Pack a separate box or bag with essentials you'll need right away in your new home, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents. This will save you from having to dig through boxes to find what you need on the first day.

10. Consider storage options

If you're downsizing or don't have enough space for all your belongings in your new home, consider using a storage unit. This can be a cost-effective solution for keeping your items safe and secure until you're ready to use them again.

11. Extra services

Consider whether there are any extra services that you’ll require to make your move less stressful. For example, are there any small issues in your new home that you could get a handyman to fix, or would it make the move more comfortable to book short-term accommodation for a couple of days whilst the move takes place? 


12. Tracking

Are you relocating to Dubai from abroad? If so, the best way to ensure a smooth move is to choose a company that has offices in both the country where you are moving from and Dubai so that they are always in control. With state-of-the-art systems, you can often even track your belongings in real time.

13. In and out

Movers usually work in 3 to 15-person teams. The general rule of thumb is one crew member for every five cubic metres to be moved. A one or two-bedroom apartment can usually be done in one day, whereas an entire 3 to 4-bedroom villa could take about 48 hours. Make sure you clarify the timeline with your moving company prior to the move. 


14. Take care of yourself

Moving can be physically and emotionally draining, so make sure to take care of yourself throughout the process. Stay hydrated, take breaks when needed, and don't hesitate to ask for help from friends or family if you need it.


15. End result

It’s time to unpack! Most people enjoy the unpacking process as they can arrange their new home in the way that they would like. If that’s not for you, a door-to-drawer service can take the pressure off and save you time.

By following these tips, you can make your move in Dubai as stress-free as possible. Remember to plan ahead, research moving companies, and communicate clearly with the team that will be helping you move.

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